Summer Bucket List


It’s the most wonderful time of the year!  Show me a teacher on summer vacation and I’ll show you a person who has zero worries and a million items on a to-do list.  I’ve been saving up my chores and projects during the previous 9 months to begin tackling as soon as the final bell rang in June.  After spending a week up north with friends and family, and a week of catching up on my DVR, I am finally ready to dive into my Summer Bucket List.

Creative Outlets

1.  I’ve been given a wonderful opportunity to blog for another website and I am thrilled!  I am going to be writing two articles per week and I would like to get back into the habit of writing for Numbered Pages.

2.  I’m a HUGE Erin Condren Life Planner fan and have drank the KoolAid from the personal planner decoration punch bowl.  I’ve been neglecting my Silhouette lately, but that’s to be expected.  Since the launch of the new horizontal ECLP layout, I have been adjusting my planner sticker designs.  It’s been a fun process.


3.  A new friend told me about the #ListersGottaList challenge.  I love making lists (geez, I hope that’s not as lame as it sounds/reads) and this group/challenge seems to be a match made in heaven for me.


4.  Any combination of #1-3 will most likely take place in my office, so this shouldn’t be difficult at all.

Books to Read

Goodreads Links:

1.  So We Read On






2. To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before







3. Red Queen







4. Big Little Lies






5. Me and Earl and the Dying Girl







Healthy Goals

Less and More in 2015

Ah, New Year’s Resolutions.  We love to love and hate you.  I love to make them, but I get frustrated because I want certain outcomes, but don’t always know how to make them happen.  For example, I am trying to lose those last few pounds and keep them off; how original.  I feel like I’m pretty healthy as it is, so what else is there left to do but stay consistent?  I want to read more books, but how will I actually incorporate that time into my day?  Create everyday.  Sooooo…create everyday?  Oy!  Aaaaaand now I’m overwhelmed.


While sifting through blog postings about New Year’s Resolutions, I came across Erika’s “Less & More in 2015” from All Things E.  Her process of developing her own resolutions led her to creating two lists: Less and More.  How simple.  How complete.  THANK YOU!200 (1)

In 2015, I want less of these things in my life:

  • Negativity – I want to let go of trivial things and do so in a faster, lasting manner.
  • Skipping days at the gym
  • Nighttime snacking
  • Artificial sweeteners

In 2015, I want more of these things in my life:

  • Reading time.  My goal is to read 50 books this year.
  • Genuine interactions with people.  Technology is a facilitator, not a replacement.
  • Gratitude Lists
  • Creative Outlets – My bullet journal and new crafting room will make this possible.
  • Cooking at home
  • Daily flossing – time to be an adult, I guess

Happy New Year!

Welcome 2015

I hope that you had a memorable and safe New Year’s Eve.  Our house was pretty calm as we watched movies, cooked dinner, and enjoyed the last night of 2014.  Today we will be watching my husband’s alma mater, Michigan State University, play in the Cotton Bowl against Baylor.

Screen Shot 2015-01-01 at 10.48.23 AM

Because it is January 1st, it’s only appropriate to show you my 2015 Bullet Journal.  I started a brand new Moleskine journal for my day-to-day needs, and a 3-ring binder for other tracking.

Bullet Journal 2015

I’ve been spending a lot of time on Pinterest and a Facebook page, Bullet Journal Junkies, and collecting ideas for how to create the most Amanda-friendly setup.  I’ve pulled inspiration from a few sources:


(Link to Pin on Pinterest)


(Link to Tumblr via Pinterest)

Another amazing pin that I found talked about indexing hacks.  I don’t like the idea of having tabs sticking out of the side of my Moleskine, so this was perfect!


(Link to Pin on Pinterest)

Using an X-ACTO knife, I was able to create my own “internal” tabs:



For now, I only made two tabs:

1.  Monthly List

2.  Lists

Lists and Months

As if I weren’t documenting every single thought and event that is going to occur in 2015, a good friend shared a 5-year Q&A journal that I just HAD to have!  I used my birthday gift/Amazon card and purchased my own copy.

Q&A Collage

What I thought was so interesting and cute about this journal is that each day of the year provides not only a topic to reflect upon, but five years worth of space to see how your perspective changes.  I am going to make this a task to track because I want to see how I change over those years.

I’m off to get ready for a delicious lunch of homemade chop suey and smashing Spartan football!

Enjoy your January 1st!