Week 23, 24, and 25 Pregnancy Updates

Hi Friends!

I apologize for the delay in updates, but it’s been a very busy three weeks.

1.  I helped organize for my school’s Homecoming dance and spent a Saturday morning/early afternoon decorating for the Casino theme.  One of my seniors tried to emulate my baby bump, circa 23 weeks.  I hope this passes for my Week 23 bump pic.



2.  I began preparing my Scentsy wax bar samples for some upcoming home parties.  After I was done making 300+, the house smelled amazing!!



3.  Dan and I traveled to Michigan for Thanksgiving, and my aunts and sister threw me a mini-baby shower.  It was absolutely awesome.





Baby Boy received several awesome gifts, including a book that my niece insisted we read out loud!



4.  Scentsy just wrapped up (until the end of Friday) the Most Wonderful Sale of the Year, so I’ve been helping clients place their orders.  It was a little stressful while the website was sluggish, but we got all the orders placed!



If you’re interested in looking around, check out my website: http://amandaferrari.scentsy.us

5.  A student and avid hunter brought me some venison, so my mom made stew from it…so many delicious childhood memories!


Official Week 25 Pregnancy Update

How far along? 25 Weeks – The baby is the size of a rutabaga and weighs approximately 1.7lbs!

Total weight gain: More than 10lbs.  Enough to cook a proper baby boy.

Bump Alert: Oh yea!  I’m finally able to do the classic “bump clasp” pose now that there’s enough bump to speak of.

Week 25

Maternity clothes? I’m wearing half regular and half maternity tops, but still 100% maternity bottoms.

Stretch marks? Still moisturizing and still luckily stretch mark-free!

Sleep: Tons and I’m always wanting more!  8-9 hours per weeknight and the occasional weekend nap.  This past weekend called for one on both Saturday and Sunday.  The good news is that I’m feeling more refreshed when I finally do wake up.

Workouts: Four or Five days of walking and two days of strength training.  I’m still feeling really good with my routine.

Best moment these weeks: Spending time with family in Michigan!

Miss anything? I’m not missing anything, but it was a bit odd not being able to have a holiday drink or cheers with the rest of the group.  It was kind of sweet when people teased me about clinking glasses with water.

Food cravings: Nothing out of the usual.  After having big meals with my family, there were some super sweet desserts, so now and then I feel like having something sweet.

Labour signs: No!

Symptoms: Slightly swollen feet at the end of the work day and an ever-growing bump.

Belly button in or out? Still an innie despite the belly growth.

Wedding rings on or off: On.

Baby Stuff: We received our stroller from my in-laws and a super cute children’s Michigan State t-shirt.

Graco Fastaction Fold Jogger Click Connect Travel System, Gotham 2015

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Then I had a great baby shower with my side of the family.  We got several cute additions to Baby Boy’s wardrobe and our diaper bag from my sister.

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Happy or moody most of the time: Happy and tired

Looking forward to: I have two Scentsy home parties and two major events at school this upcoming week: a campus tour to the University of Florida and a field trip to see “Victor Frankenstein” with my English IV students.