The Most “First Time Mom” Moves I’ve Made

The amount of nervous moments that a new mom goes through within the first few months of their child’s life cannot be measured in numbers, but in restless nights, tenth second guesses, and Google searches attempting to diagnose the newest noises and reactions.  God knows that I’ve had to put my phone down after working myself into umpteen million frenzies.  Thank goodness I always have my mom as a sounding board and therapist for those moments when I’ve lost sight of what is normal and what is unjustified paranoia.  These past (almost) four months have been a series of exercises in reigning it in when common sense isn’t so common.  But hey!  I’m a first time mom!  I’m allowed a few…many…TONS of freak outs.  Here is a list of some of the more first-timey moments I’ve caused/experienced since March 22nd.

  1. Hear the baby crying throughout his nap as well as when he isn’t even home.
  2. Check on the napping baby no less than every five minutes.  (See #1 for reason why)
  3. Staying awake the entire night to watch the baby sleep because I’ve convinced myself that he will smother himself in the shit show of a swaddling I attempted.
  4. Questioning the installation of my son’s car seat base even after it was checked and approved by the local fire station experts.
  5. Taking my son from another adult to burp him because apparently I’m the only one who knows how to properly pat a baby’s back.
  6. Sit in the backseat of the car next to my son during a 20 minute trip because I was afraid he would get lonely.
  7. Pack three outfit changes, three full bottles, two pacifiers, a swaddler sleep sack, two burp cloths, twelve diapers, a full pack of wipes, and baby powder for a two-hour visit at my mom’s house.
  8. Keeping a three foot protective radius around the baby to keep the dog back while my son is playing on the floor.
  9. Rocking a sleeping baby an extra 10, 20, 30 minutes just because he is so precious.
  10. Cry silent tears of love and gratitude for this little miracle in our lives.

Weeks 29 and 30 Pregnancy Update


Happy New Year!  I hope you’re enjoying the newness of 2016.  I’ve managed to make it back to work without crying, cursing, or even devising an escape route home, so I would call that a successful transition from vacation to work mode.  In other New Year’s news, I decided to change up the way in which I made resolutions, focusing more on what I wanted to do more or less of as opposed to making grand statements that would most likely diminish before February.

In book news, I made a Goodreads 2016 Reading Challenge goal of 30 books, and I’ve completed two books I started in 2015 (so I guess they count?) and 2 I started in 2016: Fates and Furies by Lauren Groff and Murder on the Orient Express by Agatha Christie.  The latest book that I started, literally this morning, is Gretchen Rubin’s The Happiness Project: OR Why I Spent a Year Trying to Sing in the Morning, Clean My Closets, Fight Right Read Aristotle, and Generally Have More Fun.  I started listening to Gretchen’s podcast, “Happier with Gretchen Rubin,” about three weeks ago and really enjoyed it.  I think she and I are very similar, especially after reading the “Getting Started” section of her book.  I am excited to dig further into this book and share my thoughts with you!


How far along? Currently 30 weeks!  The baby is the size of a butternut squash and weighs approximately 3lbs!  The video that updates the baby’s progress on a weekly basis said to anticipate the baby having a half-pound weight increase each week moving forward.

Total weight gain:  Enough to cook a proper baby boy.

Bump Alert: FULL alert!

30 Weeks

Maternity clothes? With the exception of a few t-shirts and workout tops (thanks for the loan, Dan), I am wearing 100% maternity clothing.  This week has been much easier on the wardrobe front because Florida has finally gotten itself together and is having a proper winter.  TGFLS – Thank God for Long Sleeves!

Stretch marks? Still moisturizing and still luckily stretch mark-free!

Sleep: Over the break, I slept A LOT! as in 10+ hours a day through my nightly slumber and naps.  I really enjoyed being given the luxurious freedom to nap.  I have so much respect for women who are pregnant and cannot do this.

Workouts: I walk every day and still have a 15,000 step-a-day goal with my Fitbit, and I do two or three strength training sessions per week.  I have dropped all weights when I do low-body exercises (squats, static lunges, sumo squats, curtsey lunges, mat work) and do everything with just body weight.  It’s still a great workout.

Best moment the week: I really liked my naps.

Food cravings: Nothing out of the usual.  I’m still all about the salty foods.

Labour signs: No!

Symptoms: Slightly swollen feet and dry skin around my tummy.

Belly button in or out? Still an innie despite the belly growth.

Wedding rings on or off: On.

Baby Stuff: My aunt gave me a gift certificate for Buy Buy Baby, so I ordered our changing mat and one cover, the mobile for over the crib, and the lamp from our registry.

Happy or moody most of the time: Happy and tired

Looking forward To: As much as I’m enjoying my students, I am looking forward to the weekend and sleep in!

Week 19 Pregnancy Update and A Trip to the Beach

How far along? 19 Weeks

Total weight gain: After my OBGYN appointment on Monday, I have officially gained 10 lbs.

Bump Alert: He’s definitely there!

19 Weeks

It’s hard to tell because the little string/tie is hanging down over the “empty” space above my bump, making it appear that the bump is smaller than it is.  Trust me when I say, he’s definitely popping out!

Maternity clothes? I am still only wearing maternity bottoms, but at the rate of Baby Bump Growth (BBG) I will be in the tops in no time!  I have started wearing my husband’s old t-shirts to workout in because my tighter shirts are no longer comfortable to do all that moving around in.

Stretch marks? Still moisturizing and still luckily stretch mark-free!

Sleep: 8-9 hours per weeknight and the occasional weekend nap.  This past weekend called for one on both Saturday and Sunday.

Workouts: Because of the increased fatigue this week, I have taken a few days off of walking and exercising.  It made all the difference in the world!  I have gained back my energy and was back in my normal routine today.

Best moment this week: It wasn’t the best week in terms of how I felt, but I did feel a lot more movement from our little boy.  He’s either practicing his soccer kicking or shadow boxing, according to his daddy of course.

Miss anything? The energy I had for the past several weeks, but I think I’ve figured out my nutritional/exercise ratio to ensure that I keep on feeling good.

Food cravings: WATER!!!  I’ve been a very thirsty girl lately!  If I get tired of water, I am easily found with a glass of orange juice in my hand.

Labour signs: No!

Symptoms: Extreme fatigue!

Belly button in or out? Still an innie despite the belly growth.

Wedding rings on or off: On.

Baby Stuff: Nothing new to report here.  I did get a thoughtful gift from some of my students that I shared with you yesterday during my Photo Dump posting.

Random 5

Happy or moody most of the time: Happy and tired

Looking forward to: seeing my sister and niece over Thanksgiving.  I know that’s several weeks away, but after a wonderful and uplifting FaceTime session with them this morning, I am very excited about seeing them, in person, soon.

Reflections:  Ever since the movement in my belly has increased to a noticeable cadence, and finding out that we’re having a boy, I cannot help but feel that this little boy has become more and more real.  I now refer to my baby bump as “my son” and myself as “his mom.”  I’ve tried out some of the optional names we are considering and like the way that they feel coming out of my mouth.  I look at my husband, our parents, our extended family in a new light.  They aren’t simply my husband, parents, siblings anymore; they are my son’s father, grandparents, and aunts.  The memories that I have of my own grandfather, one of the most important men during my formative years, my laughs and giggles with my aunts and uncles while growing up, they fill my heart with love because those are some of the same memories that will be created and will complete my son’s childhood.

Yesterday morning, my mom and I took a long walk on the beach at sunrise.  It was such a wonderful experience that when I noticed the gorgeous beginnings of Sunday morning emerging over the rooftops in our neighborhood, I rushed to get my husband and Sophie up and ready to have a repeat experience.

Sunrise 3Sunrise 1

We weren’t disappointed
Sunrise 2

Sophie has been to the beach before, but she wasn’t quite so sure about the waves today.

Beach Sophie 2

I think the words that best describe her sentiments about early morning salt water are “tolerate” and “avoidance.”

Beach Sophie 1