August Goals

It took me awhile to come up with my goals for August because I knew that despite the roll I was on, both planning and reading-wise, my schedule would be changing quite a bit.  It would be unrealistic for me to expect to maintain either levels of productivity.  With that being said, I was able to come up with three goals for the three major areas of my life.  I really did take the time to ensure that they were S.M.A.R.T. goals, which isn’t something I always do.


Reading Goals for August:

1.  Read daily for a minimum of either 30 minutes or 50 pages.

2.  Complete five full novels – (20 nonfiction articles = 1 novel).

3.  Write a review for each of the novels (nonfiction article sets) I complete.

4.  BONUS: Daily, read two articles my friends/colleagues share with me (either via email or Facebook).

Professional Goals for August:

1.  Convert my text notes from the previous year into Evernote.

2.  Create departmental meeting documents

  • Individual Meeting Form
  • Monthly Meeting Agenda (department-specific)
  • Create individual meeting schedule for the 1st quarter

3.  Create a database of articles to read for our PLC time

Personal Goals for August:

1.  Create weekly dinner menus the week in advance – preferably by Sunday.

2.  Create weekly shopping list based upon the menu created.

3.  Find an outside bookclub to attend

  • Local libraries
  • Barnes and Noble(?)

4.  BONUS: Family Budget

  • Update budget daily – easily done on Quickens
  • Create and maintain a travel budget/savings